How to face the illness of our elderly parents?

Avoiding issues related to the passage of time or the illness of our elderly parents will only serve to prolong the anguish that these issues cause us. The best thing for the sick elderly and us is to approach them naturally and be equipped with the necessary tools to face the most difficult moments.

Aging and Illness: Children caring for parents

Caregivers Just as our parents take care of our well-being from the moment we are born, there is a time when roles are reversed. The passage of time, aging and, sometimes, the illness of the older parents cause the children to become the caregivers of their parents.

It is not an easy role reversal for older adults or their descendants. Accustomed to living under the protection umbrella of those who have more experience in life, it is difficult for children to assume that those who thought they were strong and invincible little by little become more vulnerable. Therefore, children caring for parents at home is not an easy task regardless of the illness situation.

Tips to cope with the illness of older parents

Coping with aging or ill parents is a task that requires a great predisposition when it comes to reinterpreting those feelings of sadness, anguish or stress and approaching old age from a more beneficial perspective for all.

Face your fears

Fear, grief or pain are feelings that are also part of life. It is necessary to assume that sadness is the other side of the coin when caring for elderly parents.

Share your doubts and your anxiety

To learn to handle less pleasant feelings from ill parents, you must first know how to communicate with them.

Learn, train and improve

Knowing what you are up against and how to do your best will make you feel more secure in your new role as a caregiver for the sick elderly.

Don't forget self-care

The disease in older parents also causes wear and tear on those who care for them. Don't lose sight of your health in the name of caring for aging parents.

Sports practice

Physical activity works as a catalyst for all those negative feelings that are too heavy a burden.

How to help our parents when they get older

The first step is learning to manage our feelings when caring for aging parents. But once we have assumed that role as caregivers, how should our relationship with our elderly relatives be to guarantee them a full and happy old age?

Treat them like adults: There is a tendency to infantilize the treatment given to older people. Although they are more vulnerable or have special needs, they have not become children.

Be patient: Both mentally and physically, everything slows down. Assuming these changes take time, so you have to be patient, understandable, and tolerant to sick elderly.

Keep growing with them: when caring for parents at home, take advantage of every moment of their company to recover past memories and build future memories.

Maintain joy and optimism: You must be prepared to accept new limitations without sadness when caring for parents. Joy is contagious, and it is the best medicine in difficult times.

Look for quality time: Do not leave anything in the pipeline, and do not assume that your parents are aware of how much you love them. Show it with actions and also with words.

Do you need help managing your older parents' illness?

Among the many essential requirements in a caregiver is time. While all other skills can be learned through training or practice, lack of time is a shortage that many families cannot find a solution to, more so when caring for dementia parents. Working with older people, especially when they are sick or have mobility limitations, requires a lot of dedication.

If the situation overwhelms you, think that you are not alone. At Cuidum, we offer you help for the care of the elderly at home adapted to the needs of your day-to-day. We understand caring for elderly parent parents is a task that requires help. Caregivers who accompany your family member 24 hours a day. Professionals in the healthcare field will make your old age much more bearable and will allow you to enjoy the best moments of this stage with your aged or ill parents.

Tips for Caring for Elderly in winter