Hygiene and grooming techniques for the elderly

The elderly are esteemed members of our society and should receive the best care. When dealing with the elderly, their diet is critical to their well-being. In addition to that, they ought to maintain high standards of personal hygiene than hygiene in the middle ages. The essential hygiene practices include postural, oral, and corporal hygiene. As a carer, you ought to be fully equipped and convey the personal hygiene routine of the elderly. This assists in building up confidence.

Importance of hygiene for the elderly

A caregiver of the older adults is assigned the role of guaranteeing that the environment of the elderly and themselves are clean. A clean environment translates to the avoidance of unpleasant odors and developing one's health and hygiene. This promotes your dignity through maintaining hygiene practices.

With the help of a personal hygiene routine, one creates a sense of well-being. The skin of the elderly is maintained at its prime state with increased blood circulation. This assists in getting rid of excess fat on the skin. Dead cells caused by continuous flaking are also eliminated.

Body hygiene

Daily body hygiene is dependent on the environment one is in. There ought to be the required capacity and technical assistance for proper hygiene. Also, the place should be secure.

During the shower, it is advisable to have the person seated and use a low-pressure jet shower. After washing, it is important to rinse the soap well and dry the skin thoroughly.

The genital area is a sensitive part of the body and requires extra personal health and hygiene.

The ladies must clean their vaginal area beginning from the front to the back. This ensures that there are no bacteria that are carried into the vagina and urethra. As for men, the genital area ought to be cleaned after urinating. This removes secretions.

Grooming techniques for bedridden people

As we age, our bodies are less active and the elderly get bedridden. A carer of such an elderly person should prepare on ways to maintain their hygiene. They equip themselves with all that is necessary before washing and grooming. These include a holder of soap and water for various parts of the body and towels. The towels are to be in different sizes including a large towel to avoid wetting the bed.

Each body part is taken care of differently while cleaning hence they are washed separately. One body part should be cleaned and dried before proceeding to the next part. This applies to each part from head to toe. It is essential to apply a moisturizing cream for areas prone to abrasion such as the buttocks and the back.

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Oral hygiene in the elderly

Oral hygiene is essential to avoid bad odours, infections, and cracks. These cracks are on the lips and the tongue. Therefore, washing should be thorough. Dental care requires the utmost care especially for the elderly. Many advise the elderly to wash their mouth after every meal.

If the elderly still have their teeth intact, they should use fluoride toothpaste. A caregiver should be familiar with the use of dental floss as it is more thorough. It accesses places that a standard toothbrush is unable to access.

Importance of a balanced diet

The diet of the elderly should contain a variety of nutritious items. The types of food should be taken in ideal proportions. This ensures that the elderly receive their organic needs and are covered. 

Thus, the guidelines for adequate nutrition and food for the elderly correspond to the following:

  • The diet should have at least 20% protein-rich food.

  • The diet should consist of 55% carbohydrates.

  • The elderly should have a water intake of at least two liters daily.

  • Increase in the intake of nuts, virgin olive oil, fruits, and vegetables.

Postural hygiene in the elderly

The elderly can limit injuries and be dependent on postural hygiene.

This is achieved by ensuring the elderly are as active. They ought to have moderate exercise and avoid prolonged resting. The desired achievement is to develop stronger bones and muscles through postural hygiene.

Some basic rules form a lead derived from our Cuidum experience. They include:

  • If you are in a standing position, ensure that your back is straight with the feet in line at the height of your shoulders. The feet’ soles should remain in contact with the ground.

  • If walking, your head, and chest are to be upright with your shoulders relaxed. It is important to note that you should wear comfortable shoes as well.

  • If sitting, be in an upright position to support your feet.

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