Games At Home to Stimulate the Psychomotor Skills of the Elderly
Aging is essentially a stage of emotional and physical change, which needs a progressive adaptation process. During old age, for quality of life to be a guarantee, it will be essential to act early when the stage of deterioration of sensory and functional capacities. In this context, psychomotor skills among older people will contribute much to achieving a quality life.

What is the meaning of geriatric motor skills?

Motor skills is a concept that means having a double reality. It can also refer to skills that encompass all the aspects concerning motor function, and these refers to skills that relate to body movement. Moreover, it also covers socio-affective aspects (behaviors and feelings) as well as cognitive (skills) components.

This discipline takes care of creating links between these aspects. Looking at it from this perspective, movement can't only be seen as a mechanical activity. However, it can be regarded as a variable that highly influences how we perceive reality and integrate it into it.

Importance of psychomotor activities in older people

    Among the elderly people, psychomotor performance has well-defined objectives:

    • Becoming aware of one's own body (proprioception) and the changes its exhibits, especially regarding how it acts when it's in motion as well as when it's resting.

    • Improving on skills. For instance, strength, coordination, balance throughout the whole body or segmental (in parts).

    • Reduces one's stress on an emotional and physical level.

    • It also improves on breathing

    • It promotes an individual's motor development as well as controlling involuntary movements

    • It provides the necessary tools to use in your daily routines and in the process of overcoming the challenges brought about by aging

    • Upgrading the quality of life, mood and social relationships.

      Generally, what promotes psychomotor skills can be certain changes in psychic activity via movement. Not to come as a surprise, besides neurological and biological disorders that come with aging, older people can also be affected by psychomotor aspects.

      Among some of the common psychomotor activities aspects are; motor stiffness, clumsiness, poor spatial-temporal orientation, irritation, anxiety feelings, apathy and sensory deficits that these changes can generate.

      Benefits of psychomotor activities for elderly

      Engaging in good work routines when it comes to the field of psychomotor skills will within no time be seen in great benefits among the elderly at home. Among some of the benefits of psychomotor activities for elderly at home include;

      • Improved self-esteem, security and self-control.

      • Improvement of the quality of rest as the elderly will now be able to get enough rest.

      • Reinforcement of autonomy.

      • Development of communication skills so they can relate with their environment.

      • More positive vision and optimistic on the meaning of aging.

      • Slowing down of cognitive and physical deterioration that comes with aging.

      • More appropriate management practices of pathologies. For instance, osteoporosis or Parkinson's, Alzheimer's.

      Psychomotor skills elderly can do at home without necessarily leaving home

      Among the major advantages of psychomotor skills with the elderly can be said to be that it doesn't need special materials or facilities. Activities elderly can do at home that promote psychomotor skills can be done at home through the help of an occupational therapist, a family member, a professional home caregiver as long as they do it with the basic notions that come with this discipline.

      It is true to say that the social aspect comes with some special relevance. However, not all elderly people are able to visit a center and do these work sessions.

      Psychomotor activities examples and games the elderly can do

        1. Gentle gymnastics

        By doing simple exercises like the rotation of joints, elevation of the limbs or simulating words written in the air for the professional caregivers to guess them, crucial aspects like body flexibility and scheme and dynamic coordination.

        2. Dance

        This is a temporal and complete physical structuring exercise. The rhythm imitates new nuances regarding the movement, which, when combined with small movements and gentle oscillations, will improve proprioception among the elderly.

        3. Board games

        Any board game can be a good exercise when you want to work on the functionality of memory, communication or decision-making and social skills. From simple games like Parcheesi to dynamic family games like those that imitate body expression and mimicry or complicated games like chess. Any of these games can explore the benefits of psychomotor training from the point of its most playful perspective.

        4. Crafts

        Materials used in manual works come with variables that suppose stimulus for the senses. You can take advantage of them to ensure the minds are active with decorations, cutouts for special dates, and items to hand out to family and friends.

        5. Activities with pets

        Recently, animal-assisted therapies are getting more and more popular. The idea is to do more outdoor activities for elderly at home. However, if you intend to stay at home, you can engage in something simple such as brushing pets' hair. This will build coordination and strength, promote positive feelings and reduce stress.

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